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South American Gastroenterology Tour
Baires signed an agreement with the Institute of Gastroenterology and Veterinarian Nutrition “Dr. Ernesto Rezone” and has already visited 5 provinces.

The Institute of Gastroenterology and Veterinarian Nutrition Dr. Ernesto Bruzzone is a derivation and reference national and international state of art center dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of gastric-intestinal pathologies in vet medicine. It counts with more than 30 years of experience in specialized care of companion animals and has all the services for the detection of illnesses that affect the patients already mentioned.
With the objective of awaring professionals of the Novel Proteins (low allergic reaction) concept, promoting the use of diets based on them and counts with the support of the Institute Gastroenterology and Veterinarian Nutrition, Baires through its brand Old Prince, signed an agreement with its representative.
Since that Gastroenterology together with Dermatology occupy between 70% and 80% of the daily clinic consultations, it is important to look for strategic alliances with referents from both areas said Marcos Giordano, Marketing Manager of the company. For this reason, they decided to join in the Gastroenterology Tour that plans to visit Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Perú and Brazil.
During 2018, it obtained an excellent call and participation with more than 600 professionals in the six speeches delivered in the provinces of Chaco, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, San Luis and Mendoza. In 2019, it is going to visit the country, inviting professionals and contributing to the vet labour.
For its part, Baires continues positioning itself as a flagship nutritional company thanks to Old Prince, its flagship brand, through the reference and recommendation of the diets based on Novel Proteins by the professional speakers.


Parque Industrial
General Las Heras - Ruta 40
(ex 200) Km.70 - CP1741
Buenos Aires - Argentina
